有限数学 示例

解题步骤 1
Multiply each element of R1R1 by 1212 to make the entry at 1,11,1 a 11.
解题步骤 1.1
Multiply each element of R1R1 by 1212 to make the entry at 1,11,1 a 11.
解题步骤 1.2
化简 R1R1
解题步骤 2
Perform the row operation R2=R2-R1R2=R2R1 to make the entry at 2,12,1 a 00.
解题步骤 2.1
Perform the row operation R2=R2-R1R2=R2R1 to make the entry at 2,12,1 a 00.
解题步骤 2.2
化简 R2R2
解题步骤 3
Multiply each element of R2R2 by 2727 to make the entry at 2,22,2 a 11.
解题步骤 3.1
Multiply each element of R2R2 by 2727 to make the entry at 2,22,2 a 11.
解题步骤 3.2
化简 R2R2
解题步骤 4
Perform the row operation R1=R1-32R2R1=R132R2 to make the entry at 1,21,2 a 00.
解题步骤 4.1
Perform the row operation R1=R1-32R2R1=R132R2 to make the entry at 1,21,2 a 00.
解题步骤 4.2
化简 R1R1
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 [x2  12  π  xdx ] 