Algebra Examples

Determine if Odd, Even, or Neither y=1/x
Step 1
Write as a function.
Step 2
Find .
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Step 2.1
Find by substituting for all occurrence of in .
Step 2.2
Cancel the common factor of and .
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Step 2.2.1
Rewrite as .
Step 2.2.2
Move the negative in front of the fraction.
Step 3
A function is even if .
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Step 3.1
Check if .
Step 3.2
Since , the function is not even.
The function is not even
The function is not even
Step 4
A function is odd if .
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Step 4.1
Multiply by .
Step 4.2
Since , the function is odd.
The function is odd
The function is odd
Step 5