Линейная алгебра Примеры

Найти определитель [[1,1,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,0]]
Этап 1
Choose the row or column with the most elements. If there are no elements choose any row or column. Multiply every element in row by its cofactor and add.
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Этап 1.1
Consider the corresponding sign chart.
Этап 1.2
The cofactor is the minor with the sign changed if the indices match a position on the sign chart.
Этап 1.3
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Этап 1.4
Multiply element by its cofactor.
Этап 1.5
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Этап 1.6
Multiply element by its cofactor.
Этап 1.7
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Этап 1.8
Multiply element by its cofactor.
Этап 1.9
Add the terms together.
Этап 2
Умножим на .
Этап 3
Умножим на .
Этап 4
Умножим на .
Этап 5
Упростим определитель.
Нажмите для увеличения количества этапов...
Этап 5.1
Добавим и .
Этап 5.2
Добавим и .