Линейная алгебра Примеры

Этап 1
Find the determinant.
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Этап 1.1
Choose the row or column with the most 00 elements. If there are no 00 elements choose any row or column. Multiply every element in row 33 by its cofactor and add.
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Этап 1.1.1
Consider the corresponding sign chart.
|+-+-+-+-+|∣ ∣+++++∣ ∣
Этап 1.1.2
The cofactor is the minor with the sign changed if the indices match a - position on the sign chart.
Этап 1.1.3
The minor for a31a31 is the determinant with row 33 and column 11 deleted.
Этап 1.1.4
Multiply element a31a31 by its cofactor.
Этап 1.1.5
The minor for a32a32 is the determinant with row 33 and column 22 deleted.
Этап 1.1.6
Multiply element a32a32 by its cofactor.
Этап 1.1.7
The minor for a33a33 is the determinant with row 33 and column 33 deleted.
Этап 1.1.8
Multiply element a33a33 by its cofactor.
Этап 1.1.9
Add the terms together.
Этап 1.2
Умножим 00 на |3003|3003.
Этап 1.3
Умножим 0 на |3310|.
Этап 1.4
Найдем значение |3013|.
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Этап 1.4.1
Определитель матрицы 2×2 можно найти, используя формулу |abcd|=ad-cb.
Этап 1.4.2
Упростим определитель.
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Умножим 3 на 3.
Вычтем 0 из 9.
Этап 1.5
Упростим определитель.
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Этап 1.5.1
Умножим -2 на 9.
Этап 1.5.2
Вычтем 18 из 0.
Этап 1.5.3
Добавим -18 и 0.
Этап 2
Since the determinant is non-zero, the inverse exists.
Этап 3
Set up a 3×6 matrix where the left half is the original matrix and the right half is its identity matrix.
Этап 4
Приведем матрицу к стандартной форме по строкам.
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Этап 4.1
Multiply each element of R1 by 13 to make the entry at 1,1 a 1.
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Этап 4.1.1
Multiply each element of R1 by 13 to make the entry at 1,1 a 1.
Этап 4.1.2
Упростим R1.
Этап 4.2
Perform the row operation R2=R2-R1 to make the entry at 2,1 a 0.
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Этап 4.2.1
Perform the row operation R2=R2-R1 to make the entry at 2,1 a 0.
Этап 4.2.2
Упростим R2.
Этап 4.3
Multiply each element of R2 by -1 to make the entry at 2,2 a 1.
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Этап 4.3.1
Multiply each element of R2 by -1 to make the entry at 2,2 a 1.
Этап 4.3.2
Упростим R2.
Этап 4.4
Perform the row operation R3=R3-2R2 to make the entry at 3,2 a 0.
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Этап 4.4.1
Perform the row operation R3=R3-2R2 to make the entry at 3,2 a 0.
Этап 4.4.2
Упростим R3.
Этап 4.5
Multiply each element of R3 by 16 to make the entry at 3,3 a 1.
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Этап 4.5.1
Multiply each element of R3 by 16 to make the entry at 3,3 a 1.
Этап 4.5.2
Упростим R3.
Этап 4.6
Perform the row operation R2=R2+3R3 to make the entry at 2,3 a 0.
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Этап 4.6.1
Perform the row operation R2=R2+3R3 to make the entry at 2,3 a 0.
Этап 4.6.2
Упростим R2.
Этап 4.7
Perform the row operation R1=R1-R2 to make the entry at 1,2 a 0.
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Этап 4.7.1
Perform the row operation R1=R1-R2 to make the entry at 1,2 a 0.
Этап 4.7.2
Упростим R1.
Этап 5
The right half of the reduced row echelon form is the inverse.
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 [x2  12  π  xdx ] 