Álgebra linear Exemplos

Escreva como um Vetor Igualdade x+3y-3z-w=11 , 4x+y+2z+5w=3 , -3x-y+z-3w=-7 , z-y-3z-5w=-1
, , ,
Etapa 1
Subtraia de .
Etapa 2
Escreva o sistema de equações em formato de matriz.
Etapa 3
Encontre a forma escalonada reduzida por linhas.
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Etapa 3.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.1.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.1.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.2
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.2.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.2.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.3
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.3.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.3.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.4
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.4.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.4.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.5
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.5.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.5.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.6
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.6.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.6.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.7
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.7.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.7.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.8
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.8.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.8.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.9
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Etapa 3.9.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.9.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.10
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.10.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.10.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.11
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.11.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.11.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.12
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.12.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.12.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.13
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.13.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.13.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.14
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.14.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.14.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.15
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.15.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.15.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 3.16
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 3.16.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 3.16.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 4
Use a matriz de resultados para declarar as soluções finais ao sistema de equações.
Etapa 5
A solução é o conjunto de pares ordenados que tornam o sistema verdadeiro.
Etapa 6
Para decompor um vetor da solução, reorganize cada equação representada na forma de linha reduzida da matriz aumentada resolvendo a variável dependente em cada linha que produz igualdade vetorial.