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Álgebra linear Exemplos
, , , , , , ,
Etapa 1
Remova os parênteses.
Etapa 2
Etapa 2.1
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 2.2
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 2.3
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 2.4
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 2.5
Some aos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 3
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 4
Subtraia dos dois lados da equação.
Etapa 5
Escreva o sistema de equações em formato de matriz.
Etapa 6
Etapa 6.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.1.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.1.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.2
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.2.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.2.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.3
Swap with to put a nonzero entry at .
Etapa 6.4
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.4.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.4.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.5
Swap with to put a nonzero entry at .
Etapa 6.6
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.6.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.6.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.7
Swap with to put a nonzero entry at .
Etapa 6.8
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.8.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.8.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.9
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.9.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.9.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.10
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.10.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.10.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.11
Swap with to put a nonzero entry at .
Etapa 6.12
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.12.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.12.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.13
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.13.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.13.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.14
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.14.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.14.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.15
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.15.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.15.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.16
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.16.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.16.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.17
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.17.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.17.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.18
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.18.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.18.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.19
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.19.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.19.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.20
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.20.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.20.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.21
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.21.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.21.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.22
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.22.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.22.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.23
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.23.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.23.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.24
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.24.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.24.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.25
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.25.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.25.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.26
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.26.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.26.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.27
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.27.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.27.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.28
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.28.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.28.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 6.29
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.29.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Etapa 6.29.2
Simplifique .
Etapa 7
Use a matriz de resultados para declarar as soluções finais ao sistema de equações.
Etapa 8
Como , não há soluções.
Nenhuma solução