Matemática discreta Exemplos

Resolva a Equação Matriz [[a+7,12z+1,8m],[12k,1,5]]+[[12a,9z,10m],[6k,4,5]]=[[33,-104,108],[54,5,10]]
Etapa 1
Adicione os elementos correspondentes.
Etapa 2
Simplify each element.
Toque para ver mais passagens...
Etapa 2.1
Some e .
Etapa 2.2
Some e .
Etapa 2.3
Some e .
Etapa 2.4
Some e .
Etapa 2.5
Some e .
Etapa 2.6
Some e .
Etapa 3
Write as a linear system of equations.
Etapa 4
Since is always true, the matrix equation has infinite solutions.
Infinite solutions satisfying the system.