Calculus Examples

Evaluate the Integral integral from e to infinity of 1/(x( natural log of x)^2) with respect to x
Step 1
Write the integral as a limit as approaches .
Step 2
Let . Then , so . Rewrite using and .
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Step 2.1
Let . Find .
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Step 2.1.1
Differentiate .
Step 2.1.2
The derivative of with respect to is .
Step 2.2
Substitute the lower limit in for in .
Step 2.3
The natural logarithm of is .
Step 2.4
Substitute the upper limit in for in .
Step 2.5
The values found for and will be used to evaluate the definite integral.
Step 2.6
Rewrite the problem using , , and the new limits of integration.
Step 3
Apply basic rules of exponents.
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Step 3.1
Move out of the denominator by raising it to the power.
Step 3.2
Multiply the exponents in .
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Step 3.2.1
Apply the power rule and multiply exponents, .
Step 3.2.2
Multiply by .
Step 4
By the Power Rule, the integral of with respect to is .
Step 5
Substitute and simplify.
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Step 5.1
Evaluate at and at .
Step 5.2
One to any power is one.
Step 6
Evaluate the limit.
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Step 6.1
Split the limit using the Sum of Limits Rule on the limit as approaches .
Step 6.2
Rewrite the expression using the negative exponent rule .
Step 6.3
Since its numerator approaches a real number while its denominator is unbounded, the fraction approaches .
Step 6.4
Evaluate the limit.
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Step 6.4.1
Evaluate the limit of which is constant as approaches .
Step 6.4.2
Add and .