Algèbre linéaire Exemples

Trouver la forme réduite échelonnée en lignes [[1,-4,2],[-2,8,-9],[-1,7,0]]
Étape 1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Étape 1.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Étape 1.2
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Étape 2
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Étape 2.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Étape 2.2
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Étape 3
Swap with to put a nonzero entry at .
Étape 4
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
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Étape 4.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Étape 4.2
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Étape 5
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
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Étape 5.1
Multiply each element of by to make the entry at a .
Étape 5.2
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Étape 6
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Étape 6.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Étape 6.2
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Étape 7
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Étape 7.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Étape 7.2
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Étape 8
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
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Étape 8.1
Perform the row operation to make the entry at a .
Étape 8.2
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