Statistics Examples

Set the Alternative Hypothesis
Step 1
The null hypothesis must always include the concept of equality, which means that it must include the operators equal, less or equal, or greater or equal. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis must always express the opposite of the operator used for the null hypothesis, which means it should always include not equal, greater than, or less than.
Null hypothesis:
It must always include equal operator, less than operator, or greater or equal operator.
Alternative hypothesis:
If the null expresses equal operator, the alternative expresses not equal operator.
If the null expresses less or equal, the alternative expresses greater than.
If the null expresses greater or equal, the alternative expresses less than.
Step 2
The alternative hypothesis Ha or H1 must always express the opposite of the operator used for the null hypothesis H0. In this case, the opposite of H02 is Ha>2.
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