Algebra Examples

Find the Average Rate of Change
Step 1
Write as an equation.
Step 2
Substitute using the average rate of change formula.
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Step 2.1
The average rate of change of a function can be found by calculating the change in values of the two points divided by the change in values of the two points.
Step 2.2
Substitute the equation for and , replacing in the function with the corresponding value.
Step 3
Simplify the expression.
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Step 3.1
Simplify the numerator.
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Step 3.1.1
Raise to the power of .
Step 3.1.2
Multiply by .
Step 3.1.3
Multiply by .
Step 3.1.4
Simplify each term.
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One to any power is one.
Multiply by .
Multiply by .
Step 3.1.5
Add and .
Step 3.1.6
Multiply by .
Step 3.1.7
Add and .
Step 3.1.8
Subtract from .
Step 3.2
Simplify the denominator.
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Step 3.2.1
Multiply by .
Step 3.2.2
Subtract from .
Step 3.3
Divide by .
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