Álgebra lineal Ejemplos

Hallar el adjunto [[2,6],[2,4]]
Paso 1
Consider the corresponding sign chart.
Paso 2
Use the sign chart and the given matrix to find the cofactor of each element.
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Paso 2.1
Calculate the minor for element .
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Paso 2.1.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Paso 2.1.2
El determinante de una matriz es el elemento en sí mismo.
Paso 2.2
Calculate the minor for element .
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Paso 2.2.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Paso 2.2.2
El determinante de una matriz es el elemento en sí mismo.
Paso 2.3
Calculate the minor for element .
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Paso 2.3.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Paso 2.3.2
El determinante de una matriz es el elemento en sí mismo.
Paso 2.4
Calculate the minor for element .
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Paso 2.4.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Paso 2.4.2
El determinante de una matriz es el elemento en sí mismo.
Paso 2.5
The cofactor matrix is a matrix of the minors with the sign changed for the elements in the positions on the sign chart.
Paso 3
Transpose the matrix by switching its rows to columns.