Lineare Algebra Beispiele

Finde die Adjunkte (3A-i)^t=[[1,3],[1,0]]
Schritt 1
Consider the corresponding sign chart.
Schritt 2
Use the sign chart and the given matrix to find the cofactor of each element.
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Schritt 2.1
Calculate the minor for element .
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Schritt 2.1.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Schritt 2.1.2
Die Determinante einer -Matrix ist das Element selbst.
Schritt 2.2
Calculate the minor for element .
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Schritt 2.2.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Schritt 2.2.2
Die Determinante einer -Matrix ist das Element selbst.
Schritt 2.3
Calculate the minor for element .
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Schritt 2.3.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Schritt 2.3.2
Die Determinante einer -Matrix ist das Element selbst.
Schritt 2.4
Calculate the minor for element .
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Schritt 2.4.1
The minor for is the determinant with row and column deleted.
Schritt 2.4.2
Die Determinante einer -Matrix ist das Element selbst.
Schritt 2.5
The cofactor matrix is a matrix of the minors with the sign changed for the elements in the positions on the sign chart.
Schritt 3
Transpose the matrix by switching its rows to columns.