Pythagorean Theorem Calculator
Step 1:
Enter the values of any two angles and any one side of a triangle below for which you want to find the length of the remaining two sides.
The Pythagorean theorem calculator finds the length of the remaining two sides of a given triangle using sine law or definitions of trigonometric functions.
If a given triangle is a right angle triangle, then the length of the remaining two sides of the triangle can be calculated using the definition of sine and cosine functions given by the formula-
sinθ=Opposite SideHypotenuse
cosθ=Adjacent SideHypotenuse
If a given triangle is not a right angle triangle, then the length of the remaining two sides of the triangle can be calculated using the sine law given by the formula-
A ,B andC are angles of the triangle.
a ,b andc are sides of the triangle opposite to anglesA ,B andC respectively.
Step 2:
Click the blue arrow to submit. Choose "Find the Length of the Third Side" from the topic selector and click to see the result in our Trigonometry Calculator!
Find the Length of the Third Side
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